Rain Or Dry Rainpal® Provides The Clearest Vision.

Adam Aarons

Are you fed up with cleaning your visor? Rainpal® 16mm by 19mm small in size also clears dust, smears and even bugs from your visor in the dry in conjunction with our Rainpal® jet spray. Our feedback suggests that with a good visor cleaner bugs do not scratch, scratches are caused by gloves with grit therefore Rainpal even with bugs should not scratch. Easy to clean even in traffic without taking your helmet off. Instead of placing water in the jet spray fill up with an effective visor cleaner for example Bullet Visor shine, Shift-It these solutions evaporate and do not cause any colour bleeding and blast the road grime, smears, bugs off your visor for a clear view. Keep Rainpal® on all the time to provide excellent vision in the dry or the rain.

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  • stuart on

    i think this is a great idea. even with my electric windshield wiper my face shield still gets rained on and i have to constantly use my hand to wipe it clear or duck down to keep it from getting rained on. this would be a great added safety feature as i ride my motorcycle all year round. nothing beats being able to see when you get caught riding in the rain.

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